On Chris Dixon’s climbing the wrong hill

Okay folks, I have been in the crypto and blockchain rabbit hole lately. So far, the best podcast that I have listened to about this space is Tim Ferriss episode 542 with Chris Dixon and Naval Ravikant. It has added to my confidence on the future of blockchain, decentralization, and peer-to-peer money.

A portion of the podcast (time stamp 1:22) talks about Chris Dixon’s blog post in 2009 titled “Climbing the Wrong Hill.” The main idea of that blog post is that people sometimes stay in careers that they do not like because there is an upside to it. They climb the wrong hill because it is better short-term. But when asked of their long-term goals, it is definitely the wrong hill to climb.

This idea has purely encapsulated my thoughts on why switching careers multiple times is never a bad idea. People (especially the youth) should feel free to explore whatever they want to do. The problem is that society and parents condemn kids who try many things. Exploration is seen as a waste of time and money. Going for careers where the end goal is predictable seem to be the prescription.

How many doctors in this world would want to be marine biologists if given the chance? How many lawyers want to be painters? How many investment bankers want to be organic farmers?

Safe careers obviously have some merit because it saves the person from the heartache of failure. But choosing safety has robbed our society with talents that were never truly discovered or harnessed.

I am reminded by the Les Brown quote:

“The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.”

Les Brown

To the young ones, keep exploring! Keep searching for the right hill to climb.